Training & Development

Training & Development

Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company recognizes the importance that all employees have the opportunity to develop their careers and to ensure that they have the necessary skills to meet the demands and challenges of the business environment. As such, the company continues to expand its portfolio of training and development programs to improve organizational performance and respond to the development needs of all our employees.

The following is a summary of the most important achievements and events for 2022:

Training of Employees

Delegating (365) employees to attend training courses (technical, administrative, financial) and other activities inside Jordan executed through (46) training programs.

 Delegating (10) employees to attend various courses, exhibitions, conferences, and official assignments outside Jordan executed through (7) activities.

Training of university and college students

As part of the company’s vision for serving the local community, and to contribute to reduce unemployment among graduates by providing them with practical experience, and qualifying them to enter the labor market, company provides (40) training opportunities in 2022 for fresh graduated engineers/university degree holders in deferent disciplines, training programs conducted in cooperation with Jordanian Engineers Association.

As part of cooperation with various universities, colleges and institutes, the delegates from the IAESTE Organization and the Arab Council for the exchange of Arab university students, a total number of (105) students (male and female) were trained within the training program for completing graduation requirements during 2022.